
First-Rate Network

The People Have Spoken: They Love Our Work

August 8, 2018 | Kathleen Bonetti

Allow us to toot our own horn for a moment: our clients have spoken! Praise from our partners! We checked in with our clients and asked them what they liked about working with Rx EDGE, and consider us flattered —…


Marketing Mis-Steps

10 Marketing Mis-Steps You Might Be Making

Are you committing a pharmaceutical faux-pas when it comes to marketing? We’ve been researching, leading, and succeeding in the pharmaceutical marketing space for 18 years.  I’ve personally attended hundreds of meetings with pharma marketers and their agencies during my career…
Healthcare Hub

Meet the New “Healthcare Hub”

There's a lot of talk recently about the pharmacy transformation. More than a fleeting phenomenon, the concept of pharmacies as a central hub for comprehensive education and care delivery (not just transactions) is becoming the norm. Nationwide, pharmacies are rapidly returning to their roots…

Time for Some Reflection

  Four weeks ago I walked into the Rx EDGE office ready to begin the first day of my new internship, and frankly I was nervous. I was reminded about an old episode of the TV show “Scrubs” that deals with…