Press Release
Rx EDGE Named PM360 Trailblazer Award Finalist in Two Categories

August 29, 2019
East Dundee, IL
PM360, a publication for marketing decision makers in the pharmaceutical, biotech, diagnostics, and medical device industries, recently named Rx EDGE Media Network as a Trailblazer Initiative finalist in the Patient Education and Point of Care award categories for the Tdap Vaccine Awareness and Carcinoid Syndrome Awareness campaigns.
The Carcinoid Syndrome Awareness program (Novartis, Rx EDGE Media Network, Klick Health) demonstrated the value of delivering patient education in an area of the pharmacy that prospective patients commonly visit when searching for symptom relief. The intended audience included undiagnosed as well as misdiagnosed patients who have had recurring symptoms that may be related to carcinoid tumors.
By using the pharmacy as a communication platform, the Tdap Vaccine Awareness campaign (GSK, Rx EDGE Media Network, Grey) stood out in the Point of Care category. The initiative successfully drew attention to whooping cough disease and armed the 50+ target audience with information about the benefits of the Tdap vaccine.
“When you think about the ingredients of a high-performing awareness campaign, these two initiatives had it all: educational content presented in a healthcare setting, usage of data to reach the right patient groups, andattention-getting creative,” said Nate Lucht, Rx EDGE president and CEO. “And any specialty drug marketers who are hesitant about including the pharmacy in their plans should look at the success of the Carcinoid Syndrome Awareness program and reconsider their media strategy! The pharmacy is a powerful marketing medium for specialty brands.”
Since 2009, the PM360 Trailblazer awards have recognized outstanding achievement and innovation in healthcare marketing. Each year, nominations are judged by the PM360 Editorial Advisory Board, a distinguished cross-section of industry experts. Winning initiatives were selected for their ability to stand out in the complex, ever-changing healthcare environment, and were judged on their ability to overcome challenges; the skill, innovation, and quality of planning and execution; and the effectiveness of the work.
A total of 84 finalists were chosen in the 17 Initiative categories which include: App/Digital Solution or Suite, Consumer Website/Online Initiative, Direct-to-Consumer Campaign, Direct-to-Patient Campaign, HCP Education, Interactive Marketing Program, Patient/Consumer Education, Persistence/Adherence Program, Point of Care, Product/Service Launch, Professional Campaign, Professional Website/Online Initiative, Sales Aid, Self-promotion, Social Media Campaign, Unbranded Campaign, and Video/TV campaign.
“Each of these 84 finalists survived a daunting evaluation process by our judges to emerge as the best among an exceptional crop of submissions,” says Anna Stashower, CEO and Publisher of PM360. “Ultimately, their innovative strategies and impressive results are industry breakthroughs—and they provide exciting examples of the type of boundary-pushing work our industry is doing as it embraces change.”
Finalists are acknowledged and winners will be honored during a special reception at Gotham Hall at 1356 Broadway in New York City on Thursday, September 19, 2019. Each year, the Trailblazer Awards Gala attracts more attendees from the pharmaceutical industry than any other industry event. Profiles of all of the night’s winners will appear in PM360’s October issue.
Emmy Award-winning actress and comedian Judy Gold will serve as the emcee for the event. Additionally, Brenda Snow, Founder & CEO, Snow Companies and a pioneer in patient engagement will be the recipient of the prestigious Trailblazer Lifetime Achievement Award.
Tickets for the Trailblazer Awards Gala can be purchased by visiting For more information about tickets, contact Kayla Walsh at 646-300-8117 or
You can also follow the awards real-time on Twitter at
About Rx EDGE Media Network
Since its inception in 2000, Rx EDGE Media Networkhas helped pharma brands who want to reach health information-seeking consumers. We are the only pharmaceutical marketing company to influence consumers using multi-channel media methods that include a unique combination of digital messaging and strategic in-store displays within the aisles of the pharmacy, the single most-visited healthcare destination in the nation. Our programs apply best in class data to reach the highest-potential patients. We connect brand messages with their intended target audience across all digital devices, and applicable in-store aisles to engage patients throughout their healthcare paths and daily lives. We enjoy strong partnerships with the nation’s leading retail pharmacies and pharmaceutical manufacturers. Our reputation for producing successful and accurate program results is validated by a third-party metrics.
About PM360
PM360 is the premier, must-read magazine for marketing decision makers in thepharmaceutical, biotech, diagnostics, and medical device industries. Published monthly, PM360 is the only journal that focuses on delivering the full spectrum of practical information necessary for product managers and pharmaceutical marketing professionals to succeed in the complex and highly regulated healthcare environment.
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