The Pharmacy Aisles – The New Red Carpet

If you are a fan of primetime television or award shows, then you may already know that the 67th Primetime Emmy Awards air this Sunday. Because it is first in the “awards season” lineup, the Emmy Awards program has always been a much-anticipated event. It presents a great opportunity for television industry professionals to be recognized for their exceptional work and outstanding performances.

Just as this awards show can acknowledge the accomplishments of actors and others in the entertainment field, the pharmacy aisles can showcase incomparable results in the media channel world. So to celebrate the beginning of awards season, we are rolling out the red carpet for the pharmacy and highlighting its star power!

red carpet w lens

The pharmacy aisles play a leading role in reaching consumers who shop there every day. In honor of the celebration this Sunday, here are some of the Emmy Awards categories where in-pharmacy programs would walk away with the top prize.


Presentation1Special Class Programs: Solutions at the Shelf™ programs accommodate actionable measurement techniques and reach a huge audience of potential patients. They are a “special class” among media vehicles and excel in the category.


Presentation1Special Visual Effects:  Solutions at the Shelf information dispensers definitely have award-winning impact at the shelf, standing out and getting attention. The visuals and messages resonate with consumers and spark a connection that leads to action.


Presentation1Interactive Program:  Consumers benefit from the many interactions that can take place in the pharmacy, which can occur when they have a discussion with a pharmacist, see a nurse practitioner in a clinic, take part in a health screening, or pick up educational information within the aisles. The retail pharmacy has an engaged audience and no fast-forward button!


By providing a platform when they are looking for information and answers, the pharmacy aisles roll out the red carpet for consumers and prospective patients. Bridging the gap between questions and solutions happens in the pharmacy, not within the pages of a magazine or on a TV screen.

And the award for “Best Media Vehicle in the Healthcare Industry” goes to…in-pharmacy programs!